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project image
Square meters
2 300 m2
co2 savings
5.7 tons/year
Energy savings
38 %

Our first project started within the scope of the EU Horizon 2020 funded hybridGEOTABS project. Together with project partner Boydens engineering, part of Sweco, which also has its offices in this building and which designed its technical installation, we took on the challenge to control this GEOTABS installation as part of our research at KU Leuven. A GEOTABS system consists of heat pumps, concrete core activation and a geothermal borefield. Due to the slow response of such a building it requires a predictive controller to reach the best performance. Therefore it was an ideal candidate for a first implementation of our controller. Since 2019, our MPC optimises the control of the HVAC, saving on average 38 % of the energy used by the HVAC, while providing excellent comfort.